Health Program
For the poor, health is the foundation for their sustainable livelihoods. A majority of the poor are dependent on their physical labour activities for their livelihoods. Also, good health forms the basis of their access to other basic necessities of life like education, livelihoods...
Programming Strategy
NAMCO employs a multi-pronged approach to poverty reduction. It strives to address both causes and effects of poverty, which are often vicious, and perpetuating poverty endlessly. NAMCO has identified five sectors that are critical in helping communities overcome the challenges of poverty. Yes, it...
Education Program
Education is indispensable to economic development and poverty eradication. Acquired basic skills such as reading, writing and numeracy, have a documented positive effect on the incomes of the marginalized populations. No economic development is possible without education. A balanced education system promotes not only...
Livelihood Program
Often, the livelihood strategies and activities of poor people are diverse and complex. Agriculture and other natural resource-based activities play an important role for rural households, but they may also diversify into other activities, some of which are linked to agriculture and the natural resources sector,...