“But if you can create an honourable livelihood, where you take your skills and use them and you earn a living from it, it gives you a sense of freedom and allows you to balance your life the way you want.” ~ Anita Roddick
Often, the livelihood strategies and activities of poor people are diverse and complex. Their strategies may vary and depend on the contexts specific to the households. Poor people usually employ a mix of different ‘strategies’, especially when resources are pooled to some extent. NAMCO firmly believes that if poor people can be helped to acquire certain skills, they would be able to diversify their livelihoods from being dependent only on agriculture. The diversification reduces their risks and vulnerabilities and builds their resilience. Secondly NAMCO is of the view that collectivization of poor people, be it women SHGs or their federations or FPOs would only strengthen the poor with improved skills and capacities, enhanced bargaining power and the higher confidence emanating from solidarity.
NAMCO’s strength emanates from its focused community based approach to promotion of livelihoods. NAMCO has promoted one strong federation of women SHGs – Surabi, registered in 2014, which is able to provide sustainable access to financial services for their 5500 members spread across 500 SHGs. NAMCO has promoted an all-women Farmer’s Producer Organization (FPO) – NAMCO Suyambu Farmers Producer Company Limited incorporated in February 2020. which has initiated many interventions to strengthen the women farmers’ access to inputs, technology, credit, and market linkages.
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