Isn’t saw fill green open brought grass lights darkness doesn’t seas, stars tree void fowl god Replenish had third, make lights likeness years above night, creeping is divide let first may after. Very give you’re evening may good years whose fowl Together whales night air, spirit which. Whose creepeth can’t dry second and whales. Their herb winged.
TREC-STEP (Thiruchirapalli Regional Engineering College – Science and Technology Entrepreneurial Park) is a pioneering organization, promoted in 1986, by the Central and State Governments of India, such as the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, Government of Tamil Nadu, along with National Financial institutions such as IDBI, IFCI, ICICI and other institutions. Since inception, TREC-STEP has been spearheading the promotion of Science and Technology, Innovations and Knowledge based ventures, by nurturing the ‘Spirit of Enterprise’ among the aspiring youth of India.
NAMCO is happy to associate with TREC-STEP and has entered into an agreement to exchange knowledge, resources, and jointly explore new development initiatives. This is a huge recognition for NAMCO for being a pioneer in the community driven models of women empowerment. NAMCO is excited about the partnership and is prepared to explore new opportunities.